Customer Service Executive – Roles & Responsibilities

A customer Service Executive is a person who addresses the issues of the customers and provides them with relevant solutions. They are one of the most important parts of any organisation as they represent the company as a whole. They are responsible for retaining the customers by providing them assistance and establishing good relations with them.

Customer Service Executive

A Customer Service Executive can either make the deal or break the deal as they are the ones who are in direct contact with the clients or customers.

Prerequisites to Become a Customer Service Executive

The foremost requirement for a person to become a Customer Service Executive is good communication skills and a problem-solving approach. A person with a graduate degree is preferred for this job profile. Apart from this, a handsome knowledge of the product and the related market is also expected from the person who wants to become a Customer Service Executive.

Qualities of a Customer Service Executive

Qualities of a Customer Service Executive

A customer service executive must know how to handle the customers pleasantly and resolving all their issues on time. They must patiently listen to the customer’s problem and try to provide the best possible solutions in a timely manner.

Roles & Responsibilities of a Customer Service Executive

There are various roles and responsibilities of a customer service executive in an organisation. Some of their major roles and responsibilities are:

Preparing the Customer Service Guidelines

A customer service executive has to make various protocols for efficiently providing customer services. Such protocols include written guidelines to deal with the customers and providing customer retention training in various departments of an organisation.

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Providing Training to the Employees

Another major responsibility of a customer service executive is to provide proper training to the newbies and to train the existing staff, so they can effectively handle the customers or clients of an organisation.

Keeping a Record of the Customers

A customer service executive is responsible for maintaining a proper record of the customers including the purchases made by the customer, billings, contact information, and other relevant details. These records are not only beneficial for the customer service department but also for various other departments like accounts, HR, and sales. Therefore, it becomes very important to properly maintain all the records related to the customers.

Some of their other responsibilities are:

  • Providing complete information about the product to the customer.
  • Solving all product or service related issues of the customers.
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  • Giving the right pitch to the potential customers, so they end up buying the product or availing the services.
  • Keeping a proper record of the customers.
  • Maintaining and updating the information of the customers regularly.
  • Providing the best possible solution to the queries of the customers.
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  • Making products and services reports by collecting and analysing the information provided by the customers.


  1. Pramod
  2. Pramod Menoth

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