A team-building game is a fun game, activity, or exercise that a group of two or more people tend to perform together usually to strengthen their bond and resolve conflicts (if any). Team building activities and fun games play a significant role in the overall personality development of a child. Some of the main objectives of team-building games include encouraging teamwork spirit, inducing positive motivation, stimulating collaboration instead of competition, analysing strengths and weaknesses of ownself, relieving stress, lightening up the mood, improving morale, developing communication skills, etc. Also, playing team-building games with peers is one of the best forms of socialization and help in improving the work culture of an organization or an institute.
Examples of Team Building Games for Kids
There are a variety of team building activities and games that a child can play for the purpose of enjoyment as well as for character building. Some of them are listed below:
1. Group Jump Rope
A group jump rope is one of the best examples of team building games that are suitable for children as well as adults. The game typically consists of two players standing a few meters away from each other holding a long rope in their hands. The players swing the rope continuously in a periodic circular motion, while the other players tend to jump over the rope in uniformity. The game enhances the player’s personality by helping him/her develop skills such as coordination, cooperation, and teamwork.
2. Fingertip Hula Hoop
A fingertip hula hoop game is a multiplayer game in which the players stand in an open space, form a circle, and raise their arms above their heads. The host of the game then places a hula hoop on the player’s fingertips. The main aim of the game is to lower the hula hoop to the ground without letting it fall off. All the players playing the fingertip hula hoop game are supposed to keep their fingertips in contact with the hula hoop throughout the game. Wrapping the finger around the hoop or holding the hoop in any manner is considered foul play. The team that completes the challenge first or within a given time is considered to be the winner.
3. Mine Field
A mine field is a team building game that is generally played as a competition among two or more teams. The players playing the game are first required to set up the game field by randomly placing obstacle game objects on the ground. One player from each team participating in the game is selected to be blindfolded. The other players guide the blindfolded player to move from the start point of the play area to the endpoint of the game. The main objective of the game is to cover the distance between the start point and the endpoint of the play area by avoiding all the obstacles in a given time. The team that tends to finish the challenge first is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the players improve their interpersonal skills, communication skills, teamwork ability, cooperation, and coordination. The mine field game is a great source of amusement and serves to be one of the best activities designed for the overall personality development of a child.
4. Don’t Wake the Dragon
A don’t wake the dragon is a fun game that children can play for the purpose of team building and overall personality development. In the game, the players tend to play the role of villagers living in a town. The town is assumed to be under the influence of a sleeping fire breathing dragon. The main objective of the game is to perform a particular task without waking up the dragon. Generally, the task assigned to the players is to form a straight line in a given time. The straight line formed by the players must be in ascending or descending order according to the height of the players. After completing the task, i.e., after the formation of the line, the players are required to shout “Booo” in unison which apparently kills the game dragon. The players playing the game are prohibited from talking to each other during the game and are required to communicate with each other quietly using hand gestures or body language. The game enables the players to develop various personality enhancement skills such as effective verbal and non-verbal communication, relationship building ability, imagination, coordination, and collaboration.
5. Human Knot
Human knot is one of the most prominent examples of games that help the players develop and improve team-building skills. The game is suitable to be played among three to six players. The players participating in the game are required to stand in a compact circle and extend their hands forward. Each player is then required to hold the hands of the opposite players randomly. The main objective of the game is to untangle the mesh or the knot so formed without leaving the hands. The human knot game improves the interpersonal relationships between the players and helps them enhance their bonding.
6. Stranded
Stranded is basically a strategy and logic-based team building game. One of the players playing the stranded game tends to act as the stranded player who is stuck at an absurd location such as on a hill, in a river, in quicksand, etc. The other players playing the game are required to deposit all types of useful resources that can help the stranded player escape the absurd location. The main objective of the game is to save the stranded player by helping him/her reach the safe area or safe location. The players playing the stranded game are able to learn the effective use of resources. The stranded game also boosts a child’s confidence, encourages his/her will to work as a team, and improves his/her bonding with peers.
7. Cross the River
Cross the river is one of the most simple fun team building games that children can play for their overall personality and skill development. To play the game, first of all, the players are required to mark two parallel lines on the floor with the help of chalk, marker, or masking tape. Secondly, the players are required to form three to six rectangle-shaped rafts with the help of cardboard. Finally, when all the props required to play the game are ready, the players are required to form teams. The ultimate objective of the game is to collaboratively cross the river with the help of cardboard rafts as fast as possible. The monitor or the host of the game sets up certain rules for disqualification of the players from the game. For instance, the raft sinks away if it is left unattended, the raft can only give place to two to three players, the raft must always be raised approximately one foot above the ground, etc. The team that is able to cross the river first is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the players develop a healthy competitive spirit and the ability to flexibly work as a team.
8. Circle Lap Sit
A circle lap sit is yet another example of team building game that is best suited for children as well as adults. The rules of the game are simple as the players are required to stand in a circle. Each player then is required to sit on the next player’s lap without letting each other fall on the ground. This particular game helps in improving the player’s concentration, collaboration, teamwork ability, balance, and various other personality development skills.
9. Telephone
A telephone game is basically a communication-based team building game designed for kids and adults. The players playing the game are required to stand along a straight line. The host of the game whispers a message or a word in one of the end player’s ears. The player then passes on the message to his/her adjacent player. The process of passing the message from person to person goes on and on till the message reaches the last player. The last player then recites the message loudly to all the members. The main objective of the game is to deliver the original message to all the players playing the game. The game helps improve communication between the players, enhances their bonding, and develops the player’s ability to effectively work as a team.
10. Forehead Dots
A forehead dots game is one of the best examples of team building games that children can play to enhance their interpersonal relations and gain various personality development skills. The rules of the game are simple. The players playing the game are divided into two teams. Each player is provided with a coloured bead that is temporarily fixed on his/her head with the help of tape or glue. The players are required to correctly guess the colour of the bead pasted on their heads by communicating with each other non verbally. The team whose all members are able to identify the colour of the beads pasted on their heads first is considered the winner of the game. The game helps the players improve their critical thinking ability, quick response to stimuli, communication skills, and teamwork ability.
11. Birthday Line Up
The birthday line-up is yet another fun team building activity or game that children can play together to improve their interpersonal bonding and enhance their teamwork spirit. The players playing the birthday lineup game are required to form a straight line according to their birth dates without talking to each other verbally. The birthday line-up game helps the players know each other better and enhances their relationships. The birthday line-up game also helps a child build his/her critical thinking ability and develop creativity.
12. Trust Walk
Trust walk is yet another example of the fun team building games that children can play to enhance their personality development skills and to improve their relationships with each other. The game can be played either in pairs or in groups of more than two people. Trust walk game is generally played in open spaces such as a park or playing ground. The host of the game decides the track, the start point, and the endpoint of the game. One of the players playing the game is blindfolded and slowly spun around. A player or a group of players act as the guide to the blindfolded player. The main objective of the game is to walk on the dedicated track or path and cover the distance between the start point and the endpoint. The guide is not allowed to use the words and the directions directly to lead the player onto the track from the start point to the endpoint. He/she is only allowed to give hints to the blindfolded player, for example, locate the tree and move in the direction of the wind, follow the cheering sound of the players, etc. The game helps the players learn to trust each other, relieve stress, manage anxiety, and build a strong interpersonal bond with each other.
13. Cops and Robbers
Cops and robbers game is yet another example of the fun team building games that help a child learn about the importance and significance of teamwork, coordination, and unity. In the cops and robbers game, the players are divided into two groups or teams, namely cops and robbers. The host of the game keeps a game item that represents a valuable object in the game area. The robbers are required to steal the valuable object, while the cops are required to safeguard the valuable object and arrest the robbers. The players must support each other and fulfil the task given to them to win the game. The cops and robbers game help the children develop a healthy competitive nature and the capability of working collaboratively with each other.
14. Protect the Castle
Protect the castle game is a classic example of the fun team building games that children can play to enhance their overall personality and character. Before the game begins, the players playing the game are required to form the game setup by making a large circular shape with the help of playing cones on the ground. The target objects are required to be placed in the middle of the circle. Half portion of the total players playing the game is required to stand in the middle of the game area, while the rest players stand outside the boundary of the circle. The kids or the players standing outside the boundary of the circle throw balls towards the centre of the circle and aim at knocking down all the target objects. The players standing inside the circle boundary are required to catch or block the balls to keep their target objects from falling down. If the players standing outside the circle succeed at knocking down the target objects in a given time, they are declared winners of the game. The players playing the game are able to develop motor skills, improve their hand to eye coordination, build stamina, and various other skills. Protect the castle game helps the players learn the importance of collaboration and the significance of working as a team. Also, protect the castle game helps induce a healthy competitive spirit in the player’s mind.
15. Silent Line Up
The silent line-up game is a simple team building game or exercise designed specifically for children that leads to their overall personality enhancement. The players playing the silent line-up game are typically required to form a straight line according to the characteristic or the parameter announced by the host of the game. Typically, the characteristics include the first alphabet of their names, height, birth date, etc. The prime rule of the game is to perform the task silently without communicating with each other verbally. This helps improve the player’s non-verbal communication skills and the bonding between them. Also, a child is able to boost his/her confidence and social interaction by playing the silent line-up game.
16. Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt is a fun game that children can play to build a strong intellect, improve their interpersonal relationships, as well as for the purpose of amusement. The game typically consists of two or more teams that are provided with a set of common or different clues. The clues are usually drafted in the form of riddles or puzzles. The solution of the clues generally points towards a particular location or an object that help them locate the further clues or the endpoint of the game. The main objective of the game is to correctly solve the riddles one by one and gather clues to reach the final or the endpoint of the game. The team that is able to reach the final destination of the game first tends to win the contest. The scavenger hunt game helps children develop team management and coordination skills. Also, playing the scavenger hunt game helps the players improve their critical thinking ability, problem-solving skills, pattern recognition capability, information processing and retaining capacity, and many more.
17. Escape the Room
An escape the room is yet another example of the team-building games that children can play for amusement as well as for the purpose of skill enhancement. Escape the room is typically an indoor activity in which a group of players are locked inside the room. The key that is required to open the door of the locked room is hidden within the room itself. The clues to finding the key are strategically placed within the play area or are mentioned on a playing card. The players playing the game are required to collaboratively work with each other to find the key and free themselves up. The game can also be played as a competition between two or more teams of players that are locked in separate or the same room. Escape the room game typically help the players develop certain skills such as collaboration, problem-solving ability, leadership, pressure handling, effective stress and anxiety management, critical thinking ability, etc.
18. Hula Hoop Pass
To play a hula hoop pass game, the children or the players are required to stand side by side along a straight line and hold hands. The host of the game puts a hula hoop on the arm of the player standing at the initial place and announces the start of the game. The main objective of the game is to move the hula hoop from the position of the player standing at the beginning of the line to the position of the player standing at the end of the line. One important rule of the game is that the players are not allowed to leave their hands till the hula hoop reaches the final player. If any player leaves hands in the middle of the game, the team gets disqualified. The hula hoop pass game helps children understand the importance of coordination, teamwork, and unity. Also, a child is able to enhance skills such as concentration, focus, coordination, communication, active listening ability, planning and strategy making skills, etc. by playing the hula hoop pass game.
19. Tug of War
Tug of war is one of the best examples of the fun games that children can play to develop team-building and other related personality-enhancement skills. The game is generally played among two teams. The players of both teams tend to stand in front of each other along a straight line. The players are then handed over with a rope. A ribbon is generally tied in the middle of the rope. When the referee of the game announces the start of the game, the players of both teams try to pull the rope towards their side. The main aim of the game is to pull the rope and move the ribbon towards their side of the game court. The team that manages to get the ribbon towards their side of the court wins the game. The game teaches the players the importance of working together as a team and the significance of putting collaborative efforts into a task. The game also helps enhance the bonding between the players and is a great source of enjoyment. Other versions of the game such as the four-way tug of war game, water tug of war game, stump tug of war game, etc. are also great examples of fun team building games and activities suitable for kids.
20. Three Legged Race/Shoe Race
A three-legged race is a competitive racing game that is played among two or more teams containing two players each. Here, the right leg of one of the players and the left leg of the other player is tied together with the help of a ribbon, a cloth, or a string. The players are then required to run together from the start point of the game to the endpoint. The team that manages to finish the race first is declared the winner of the game. The three-legged race is one of the best examples of team building games that help a child learn the importance of teamwork. It also helps the players improve their interpersonal relationships, build trust, and enhance their bonding. Another version of the three-legged race is called the shoe race. The main objective or the playing procedure of both games is similar. The only difference between the two games is that in shoe races the legs of the players are not tied together with the help of a rope, a string, or a ribbon, but instead, the shoelaces of the left shoe of one player and the shoelaces of the right shoe of the other player are tied together.
21. Trust Ball
A trust ball game typically aims at developing teamwork, coordination, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and various other team-building skills in children. The trust ball game also helps a child improve his/her ability to quickly respond to situations and take immediate decisions. To play the game, the players stand along the boundary of a circle in a playground or any open space. One of the players is then provided with a ball. The players are required to toss the ball randomly towards each other without any warning or without verbally communicating with each other. The main objective of the game is to toss the ball towards each player playing the game without letting it fall off. If the team or the group of players is able to pass the ball to all the team members without communicating with each other and without letting the ball fall on the ground, the team is declared the winner of the game. If any player tends to drop the ball to the ground, the team gets disqualified or is required to start the game over again. The game can also be played as a competitive game in which the winner is declared either on the basis of the disqualification system or according to the time taken by all the teams to pass the ball towards each player of the team.
22. Build It Challenge
To play a build it challenge game, the players are divided into multiple groups or teams. Each team playing the game is provided with a set of daily use items such as paper cups, paper plates, carton boxes, plastic spoons, thread, etc. The main objective of the game is to build a tall tower with the help of the available resources. The team that is able to construct the most stable and the highest tower is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the players develop certain team-building skills such as collaboration, problem-solving ability, critical thinking, etc. Also, the game helps the players improve their motor skills, concentration, and hand to eye coordination.
23. Relay Race
The relay race is yet another example of the fun competitive games and sports activities that help a child learn the significance of teamwork. A relay race is usually played among two to four teams. Each team consists of two to four team members. The relay race is an outdoor sport that is generally played on circular racing courts or playgrounds. One player from all the teams participating in the game is required to stand on the racing court with a relay in his/her hand. When the referee announces the start of the game, the players begin to run on the racing field. When the players reach the starting point, they are required to pass on the relays to the next players of their respective teams. The process goes on and on till the last player of the team runs the racing court. The first team to complete the dedicated number of leaps of the ground is declared the winner of the game. One thing to make sure while playing the game is that the relay rod should not fall on the ground. In case a player drops the relay on the ground, his/her team gets disqualified from the game. The relay race is a prominent example of the sports and games that help a child maintain his/her mental as well as physical health. Relay race helps a child improve his/her ability to concentrate on things and work together collaboratively with peers to achieve the desired result.
24. Lego Challenge
Lego challenge is yet another example of team building game that is suitable for kids. Here, the players are randomly divided into multiple teams and groups. The players are collectively provided with lego blocks and game objects. The main aim of the game is to build a rigid structure as fast as possible. The game requires proper coordination between the team members. The game helps the players gain skills such as critical thinking ability, pattern recognition and matching capability, collaboration, etc. Also, the game helps improve the interpersonal relations among the players and enhance their bonding.
25. Marshmallow Tower Game
The players playing a marshmallow tower game are required to build a structure with the help of raw spaghetti sticks and marshmallows. The game is generally played as a competitive team indoor game. The winning team of the game is decided according to the stability, height, and appearance of the tower or as per the time taken by the players to build the tower. The game helps a child gain various team building and personality enhancement skills. Some of the prominent skills that a child can gain by playing the marshmallow tower game with his/her peers include concentration, focus, effective communication, relationship-building, problem-solving, critical thinking, fine motor skills, hand to eye coordination, and many more.
26. Lean Walk Challenge
A lean walk challenge is a fun team building game or activity that helps a player gain trust in his/her peers. To play the game, the players participating in the game are divided into multiple teams. Each team playing the lean walk challenge consists of two players. The players playing the game are required to lean into each other shoulder to shoulder and walk along a straight line. The team that is able to finish the task perfectly in minimum time is declared the winner of the game. To increase the difficulty level of the game, the players can be blindfolded and handed over with a rod to balance while walking along the line. The game helps improve the coordination and collaboration between the players.
27. Rock Paper Scissors Challenge
Rock paper scissors game is one of the most common games among children. The game typically makes use of three types of gestures, i.e., an open hand that denotes the paper game objects, a fist gesture that tends to denote rock, and a victory sign that signifies the scissors game object. The rules of the game are simply based on the permutations and combinations subset of mathematics. The game is usually played between two players. Both the players playing the game are required to choose and show their hand gestures at the same time after saying rock, paper, and scissors. The winner of the game is decided on the basis of combinations, i.e., rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. To play a rock paper scissors game challenge the players begin to randomly play the rock paper scissors game with each other. The winner of the game moves on to compete with the next player, while the loser of the game becomes the winner’s cheerleader. The game goes on and on till only two players are left to compete with each other with their respective cheerleaders cheering for them. The winner of the last phase of the game is declared the winner of the challenge. The game helps a child to build strong interpersonal relationships with peers and teaches him/her one of the most important personality enhancement skills, i.e., the ability to deal with failure.
28. Making Connections
Making connections is yet another simple example of the fun team building games or activities that the children can perform to improve their interpersonal bonding. The game begins with one of the players stating a hobby, like, dislike, or any other factual knowledge with the group. After sharing his/her point, the player comes in front of the group and stands with hands on his/her waist. The player who shares the interest, like, or dislike is required to come forward, stand next to the player with his/her arm interlinked with the first player’s arm, and state another fact about himself/herself. The same process goes on and all till the arms of all the players are interlinked with each other. The game serves to be one of the best exercises to know about each other.
29. Over the Electric Fence
Over the electric fence challenge game is a game of imagination, teamwork, and creativity. The set-up of an over the electric fence game can be constructed easily by tying a rope to any two rigid surfaces. The rope should be held a few feet above the ground. The players participating in the game are required to imagine the rope as an electric fence. They are required to collectively find out a way to get over the fence without touching it with bare hands. The game can be played as a competitive activity between two or more teams. The winner of the game is generally decided on the basis of the time taken by each team to perform the task. The game helps the players improve their problem-solving, information processing, critical thinking, communication, and various other related skills.
30. Shrinking Room
To play a shrinking room game, the participants are divided into two or more groups. Each group generally contains two to six participants. The room is further split into multiple sections with the help of ropes or strings. Each group is assigned a particular section of the room. The players are required to stand within their respective sections and stay inside the boundaries. The host of the game then begins to pull the rope and reduce the size of the section. The players participating in the game are required to find out a way to stay inside the section as the space reduces. The team whose all players manage to stay inside the section till the last is declared winner of the game. The game helps the players improve their interpersonal relationships and develop various personality enhancement skills such as critical thinking ability, teamwork, communication skills, leadership, etc.
31. Blind Artist
A blind artist game is generally played in pairs. Both the players participating in the game are required to sit beside each other in such a way that both of them cannot see each other. One of the players is provided with a drawing sheet and a marker. The other player is required to guide his/her partner to draw a picture or a shape using indirect instructions in a given time period. The time taken by the players is noted with the help of a timer or a stopwatch. When the timer goes off, the players evaluate their performance on their own and assign a rating to their work. The game helps the players enhance their communication and listening skills. Also, the game helps them improve their bonding and interpersonal relationship. The game can also be played in teams, where the host of the game evaluates the work of all the teams at the end and declares the team with the best artwork as the winner.
32. Falling Trees
Falling trees is yet another example of the team building games that children can play to improve their personality and interpersonal bonding with their peers. The game is generally played in playgrounds, parks, or rooms that have cushioned floors. To play the game, the participants are required to form a large circle and stand along its boundary while facing each other. One of the players stands in the middle of the circle and represents the tree game object. The tree tends to fall stiffly in the forward or backward direction towards the players. The player standing behind the participant is required to protect or catch the player, and push him/her towards the other player. The main objective of the game is to not let the tree fall to the ground. Falling trees is a team building game that is mainly based on trust. The game helps the players improve their ability to impulsively respond to situations, build their concentration, and capability to focus on tasks. The game helps strengthen the trust and interpersonal bonding between the players.
33. Build a Story
Build a story is a creative team building game or activity that is best suited for children. All the players playing the build a story game are required to sit together in the playing area in such a way that all the players can properly hear each other. The first player states a line from a pre-existing or a self-created story. The player sitting adjacent to him/her continues the story by adding another line to the story. The process goes on and on till the story reaches a conclusion point. The main aim of the game is to collaboratively make up a meaningful story. One of the players playing the build a story game is provided with a pen and paper and is assigned the task to note down the statements delivered by each player. The game helps the players enhance their creativity and build a potential to spontaneously respond to situations. The game provides the players with an ability to develop various personality development skills such as the ability to collaboratively work with each other to achieve a common goal, communication skills, memorising and information retaining capacity, creativity, etc.
34. Murder Mystery Game
A murder mystery game is basically a challenge game that is one of the classic examples of team building games that are suitable for children. The plot of the game is typically based on crime investigation. The host of the game creates a scenario that depicts a murder and plants clues in the play area. The players participating in the game are required to collect the clues and derive conclusions to find the murderer. The game helps the children improve their critical thinking ability, ability to observe fine details, communication, problem-solving, and various other related skills. Also, the game helps the players learn the significance of teamwork.
35. Thankful Challenge
A thankful challenge game is generally played to improve the interpersonal bonding of the participants and to strengthen the group dynamics. The players playing the thankful challenge game are grouped into pairs. The players are then asked to find an item in the room that they can gift to their partners within a given time period. Also, the players are required to find the resources to properly wrap up the gift. The player that manages to find the gift, wrap it, and present it to his/her partner first is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the children learn the fundamentals of resources utilization and time management. One can also improve his/her creativity, presence of mind, decision-making ability, problem-solving skills, and various other personality enhancement traits by participating in the thankful challenge.
36. Card Tower Building
A card tower building game is yet another example of the fun team building games that children can play for the purpose of enjoyment as well as to improve their interpersonal relationships with their peers. The rules of the game are simple. The participants of the game are divided into teams or groups of two or more players. The teams are further provided with the necessary resources such as playing cards, tape, glue, ribbons, etc. When the host of the game announces the start of the contest, the players begin to stack the cards one above the other and form the structure of a building or a tower. The main objective of the game is to make a tall tower with the help of the available resources in a given amount of time. At the end of the game or when the timer goes off, the host of the game examines the structures built by the players and announces the team with the best-built structure as the winning team. The characteristics that a host usually notices before declaring the winner include stability of the structure, resources utilization by the players, creativity or uniqueness of the structure, etc. The game helps the players improve their creativity, resources utilization, pressure handling, stress and time management ability. Also, the game allows the players to develop an ability to work as a team as well as a healthy competitive spirit.
37. Stack the Cups
A stack the cups game typically requires three game objects, namely, cups, rubber bands, and strings. To play the game, the players are generally divided into multiple teams or groups. Each team participating in the game contains two or more players and is provided with the game objects. The players are required to attach two or more pieces of string to the rubber band in such a way that they can use the pull and release force to hold and move the cups from one location to the other. The main objective of the game is to stack the cups one above the other by holding the cups only with the help of the thread and rubber band assembly. The team that manages to complete the task first is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the players significantly improve their patience, stability, and ability to focus and concentrate on a task. Also, the game helps strengthen the team dynamics and bonding between the peers, thereby ensuring a healthy work environment.
38. Bridge Making Competition
Bridge making is typically a competitive game that players can take part in to improve their interpersonal relationships as well as to groom their personalities. The players playing the game are generally provided with a resources kit that contains all the necessary items and articles required to participate in the competition. The resources kit generally contains plastic straws, popsicle sticks, glue, tape, thread, ribbon, wire, etc. The main aim of the game is to build a bridge with the help of the resources available in the kit in a given time period. When the timer goes off, the players present the bridge structures made by them to the host of the game. The host of the game then performs certain stability tests to check which bridge is able to sustain the maximum amount of load and does not collapse easily. The bride that is most stable among all the bridges qualifies the last stage of the game and the team who has built it is declared winner of the game. The game improves a child’s creativity, imagination, innovation, and intellectual knowledge. Also, one can easily grow skills such as leadership, teamwork ability, collaboration, coordination, critical thinking, and problem-solving by participating in the bridge making competition game.
39. Top of the Tower
To play a top of the tower game, the players are divided into groups. Each group participating in the game consists of two or more players and is provided with a set of pencils, paper, and tape. The main objective of the game is to build a structure with the help of pencils and paper. The structure should be strong enough to hold the test object provided by the host of the game. The winner of the game is decided on the basis of the stability and strength of the structure. The players playing the top of the tower game tend to learn how to collaboratively work with each other as a team and gain various personality enhancement skills such as confidence, creativity, and logical thinking. This helps the players get a better understanding of the significance of teamwork.
40. Paper Chain Race
The paper-chain race is yet another example of team building games that children can play to enhance their creativity. The game falls under the category of art and craft games. The players playing the game are generally divided into a group of two to four players. The players are provided with craft papers, scissors, and adhesive. The main aim of the game is to cut the craft paper into thin strips and attach the ends of the strips together to form interconnected loops. The interconnection of multiple loops leads to the formation of a paper loop chain. At the end of the game, when the timer goes off, the host compares the length of the paper chains formed by all the teams and the team with the longest paper chain is declared the winner of the game. The players playing the paper chain race game develop a competitive and teamwork spirit. The game also improves the player’s confidence, creativity, ability to build relationships, and patience.
41. Common Thread
To play a common thread game the players are randomly divided into multiple groups. Each group typically contains two to five players. The players playing the common thread game are basically required to chat with each other and find out a hobby, interest, or any fact that all of them possess. For instance, all the players play soccer, all the players like to eat pizza, all the players own a pet, all the players are born in a particular year, etc. The team that manages to find out a common thread between the players first among all the participating teams is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the players significantly improve their communication and active listening skills. Also, the players get to know each other better by playing the common thread game. This helps improve the interpersonal relationship and bonding between the players.
42. Classification
A classification game is yet another example of a fun team building game that children can play together to improve their interpersonal relationships and enhance their personalities. A classification game generally consists of a box that is filled with random daily use objects such as pencils, pens, socks, handkerchiefs, rubberbands, adhesive, etc. The players playing the game are basically required to organise the objects in multiple categories on the basis of the shape, structure, colour, or use. The team that tends to segregate all the objects in the minimum time is declared the winner of the game. The game also helps improve the player’s presence of mind, ability to spontaneously respond to situations, creative and logical thinking ability, and problem-solving skills.
43. Railroad Tracks
To play a railroad tracks game, a volunteer player or the host of the game is required to form two parallel lines on the floor with the help of tape, chalk, or marker. The children playing the game are then required to stand in a straight line right in the middle of the two parallel lines. The host of the game then announces a pair of opposite choices such as mountains or beaches, indoor games or outdoor games, pizza or pasta, sweet or spicy, etc. The players who prefer the first choice are required to jump over their left side, while the players who prefer the second choice are supposed to jump towards their right side. After a few seconds, they are required to return back to their initial positions. This game helps the players know each other better and build a strong bond.
44. Hot seat
To play a hot seat game, the players are randomly divided into two groups. The players are required to sit according to the groups assigned to them in such a way that all of them face a writing board. Two chairs are placed in front of the writing board and are called the hot seats. The hot seats are arranged in such a way that the players sitting on them face the rest of the players and are unable to look at the writing board. The game generally begins with a toss between the two teams. The team that wins the toss chooses if they want to initiate the game or not. The team that initiates the game sends a volunteer from their team to sit on the hot seat. A player from the opposite team then comes forward and write a word on the writing board. The team members of the player who is sitting on the hot seat team begin to provide him/her with the clues to guess the word. The clues are required to be indirect and may include synonyms, antonyms, history, or origination of the word. If the player sitting in the hot seat manages to guess the word written on the writing board appropriately, his/her team gets awarded with a game point. The same procedure is repeated for both the teams over and again till the timer goes off. At the end of the game, the team with the maximum earned points is declared the winner. The game helps the players improve their vocabulary, understanding, and communication skills. Also, it helps children build leadership qualities as well as work as team members.
45. The Perfect Square
The game objects required to play a perfect square game include a long rope and blindfolds. To begin the game, the players are required to stand in a circle and hold the rope in their hands. When the host signals the start of the game, the players are required to put their blindfolds on their eyes and begin to align themselves in the shape of a perfect square. The players are allowed to verbally communicate with each other during the game, but they cannot remove their blindfolds. If the players are able to form a perfect square in a given time period, they are declared winners of the game. The game helps enhance the communication skills of the players and improve their interpersonal relationships with each other. A child can easily learn how to work together as a team in collaboration to achieve a common goal by playing the perfect square game.
46. Flipping the Sheet Challenge
A flipping the sheet challenge game is generally played between two or more teams. The players playing the game are required to stand on a flat bedsheet or a paper sheet. When the referee or the host of the game announces the start of the game, the players are required to flip the sheet over. One of the prime rules to keep in mind while playing the game is that touching the sheet with hands is not allowed. Also, if any player of the team falls over or steps onto the ground, his/her team gets eliminated. The team that manages to flip the sheet over first tends to win the game. The game helps the children improve their presence of mind, creativity, and concentration.
47. Get to Know You Balloon
A get to know balloon game is basically a relationship and team building game that helps the players open up and know each other. The props or the material required to play the game include a piece of paper, a pen or a marker, and a balloon. Each player participating in the game is provided with a balloon, a pen, and a piece of paper. The players are then asked to write a question of their own choice on the piece of paper, put the paper inside the balloon, and inflate the balloon. The questions that a child can write on the paper may include What is your favourite sport? What do you do in your free time? Do you have a brother or sister? Each player tosses his/her balloon up in the air after writing the question on the paper and putting it inside an inflated balloon. After all the players have tossed their balloons in the room, they are asked to pick up a balloon randomly. The host of the game then calls each player one by one over the stage. The player standing on the stage is required to pop his/her balloon and answer the question that is written on the paper. The game helps a child boost his/her confidence and improve his/her public speaking ability.
48. Sneak Peek
A sneak peek team building game is primarily based on the pattern matching and problem-solving capability of the player. To play the game, two to three players are grouped together randomly. The room or the playing area is divided into multiple isolated sections. Each team is assigned a separate section of the room. One thing that must be verified before beginning the game is that the players must not be able to look at their opposite team’s playing area or section directly. Before the game begins, the host of the game or one of the teams participating in the game is required to make a structure with the help of lego blocks in a separate section of the room that is known as the reference section. When the host of the game signals the start of the game, one player from each team tends to visit the reference section for a specific amount of time period. During this phase of the game, all the players try to memorise the features of the reference lego structure. The players then return to their respective sections and guide their team members to build the exact replica of the reference structure with the help of the lego blocks and other available game objects. After some time, one member other than the previous team member of each team is allowed to have another peek or glance at the reference structure. The main objective of the game is to make a structure that is an exact replica of the reference structure in the minimum time. The game helps the players learn how to work collaboratively as a team to achieve one common goal. The game also helps improve a child’s creativity, memorizing ability, information retaining capacity, imagination, communication skills, and coordination, thereby enhancing the player’s overall personality.
49. Team Puzzle Game
To play a team puzzle game, the players playing the game are divided into a group of four to six members. Each team participating in the game is provided with an image and a pair of scissors. When the host announces the start of the game, the teams begin to cut up the picture provided to them into multiple equidimensional or irregularly shaped pieces. The pieces in which the image is cut must be equal to the number of members in a team so that each player has his/her own puzzle piece. Each member of a team is then required to work collectively and reproduce the image on the piece of blank card stock with the help of markers or colour pens. The next step is to exchange the puzzle pieces with the adjacent team members and solve the newly obtained puzzle. The process of reproducing the image and switching places with the adjacent team members goes on and on till each team has exchanged the puzzle pieces with every other team. The first team to exchange puzzle pieces with every team participating in the game and solve the puzzles tends to win the game. The game helps a child improve his/her quick response-ability to the situations, creativity, problem-solving skills, and creativity.
50. Eye Contact and Switch Places
An eye contact and switch places is a team building game that helps a player significantly improve his/her non-verbal communication skills. The players playing the game are basically required to stand in a circle facing each other. One of the players playing the game signals the other player of the team to switch places with him/her by making eye contact. The switching of the places should be done in such a way that there occurs no collision between the players and only a pair moves from one place to the other at a time. Any sort of collision between the players or a stepback taken by any of the players leads to disqualification of the entire team. The team whose all members manage to switch places at least once without making a foul play is declared winner of the game. The game tends to improve coordination and bonding between the players. The simplicity of the game makes it suitable for younger children. An eye contact and switch places game is also known as a four corner game.
51. Mingle Mingle Groups
A mingle-mingle groups game is one of the prominent examples of team building games that children can play to learn the importance of teamwork and to enhance their overall personalities. To play the mingle-mingle groups game, the players are made to roam inside the boundaries of a room randomly from one place to another while repeatedly saying “mingle, mingle, mingle”. Then, the host of the game or anyone participant of the game calls out loudly “A group of two”, “A group of four”, or a group of any other dimension. The players upon hearing the command begin to form the groups and align themselves accordingly. After some time, all of them return to their original places and begin to roam inside the room randomly again while slowly chanting “mingle mingle mingle”. Now, another player or the host commands the players to form a group of a certain capacity. The players must try to form groups with different individuals after every command. The game helps the player improve his/her verbal as well as non-verbal communication skills, ability to focus or concentrate on a task, take instant decisions, etc. The game requires the players to be attentive throughout the game. Also, the game helps the players improve their interpersonal relationships and bonding with their peers.
52. Bumpity ump bump bump
A bumpity ump bump bump is a fun team building game that helps a child improve his/her ability to quickly respond to situations. Also, the game helps the child to improve his/her information retaining capacity and memorising capability. To play the game, all the players are required to form a large circle in an open playground or inside a room. One of the players playing the game is asked to voluntarily step up, come forward, and stand in the middle of the circle. The volunteer player then walks along the boundary of the circle and stops randomly in front of one of the players. He/she then asks the player standing opposite to him/her to choose one of the four options, i.e., left, right, it, or self. Each game choice has a command assigned to it. If the player chooses the left option, he/she says the name of the person who is standing on their left side. Choosing the option right means he/she has to say the name of the person standing on his/her right side. Likewise, if he/she choose the option ‘it’ he/she is required to say the name of the person standing on their front side and choosing self means he/she have to say his/her own name. When the player selects and states the option of his/her own choice, the volunteer quickly says the phrase “bumpity ump bump bump”. The main objective of the game is to complete the task assigned to the selected option before the volunteer player finishes the phrase. If the player manages to complete the task, the volunteer player repeats the same game process again. If the player is unable to say the name before the volunteer player finishes the phrase, he/she switches place with the volunteer player and carries on the game. The game is a great example of relationship building and interpersonal bonding enhancement games.
53. Group Hop
A group hop game is yet another example of the fun games and activities that require teamwork and collaboration. In this particular game, the players are initially divided into multiple groups each group having four to six players. The players tend to stand along a straight line on the playing ground and put their right hand on the shoulder of the person standing in front of them. Each player is then required to raise his/her left leg in such a way that the person in front can hold their ankle. The teams then compete against each other to hop together and move forward without toppling over. The team that manages to hop and cover the maximum distance tends to win the game. The game helps a child learn the importance of teamwork and enables him/her to develop skills such as verbal and non-verbal communication skills, concentration, and sharp observation power.
54. Tick Tock Game
To play the tick-tock game, the players participating in the event or the host of the game is required to make a list of some basic chores or tasks and assign a reward point to each task or chore. For instance: take signatures of all the players on a piece of paper to get 10 points, draw a cartoon character to score 5 points, write down one characteristic trait of every player present in the room to get 15 points, etc. The players are then divided into teams of four or six. The main objective of the game is to score as many points as possible in the given time period. When the timer goes off, evaluate the number of points that each team has scored. The team that has the maximum number of points is then declared the winner of the game. To play a tick-tock game, the players are required to cooperate with each other, categorize the tasks among themselves, and work collaboratively to win the game. The game helps a child to learn the fundamentals of time management, planning, and decision-making skills.
55. Body Parts
To play the body parts game, the players tend to roam in the room randomly until one of the players or the host calls out a number and the name of a body part. For example, four hands, five heads, four knees, or three index fingers. Upon hearing the call, the players roaming randomly in the room begin to form groups as per the command. For instance, to fulfil the four knees command, the players are required to form a group of two or four people and align themselves in such a way that their knees touch each other to justify the number dictated by the person. One of the prime rules that the players must keep in mind while playing the body parts game includes that the formation of the groups should be unique every time. This means that the players cannot form groups with the same players again and again. The game helps a child improve his/her ability to quickly respond to situations and take decisions instantly.
56. Human Alphabet
A human alphabet game is typically played in open spaces such as in spacious rooms or playgrounds. The host of the game writes down a few two-letter or three-letter words on a piece of paper. Then he/she begins to assign the letters contained by the words to the individual players. The players are required to take positions in the playing area randomly and form the letters with their bodies. The host then calls out the words. The players playing the game are required to group with each other to make up the word. For instance, if the host calls out the letters so, sit, and cat, then the players that are assigned the letters s, o, i, t, c, and a begin to look out for each other and form a group in an ordered manner to properly represent the word. The game enhances players’ ability to retain information, memorising ability, and attention to detail. Also, the game is helpful in improving a child’s decision-making ability, pattern matching skills, and creativity. The difficulty level of the game can be elevated by assigning a task of forming a phrase using the game words to the players.
57. Applause Please Game
An applause please game is an indoor game that children can play at home or at their respective schooling institutions. To play the game, firstly, the players are segregated randomly into multiple groups with each group having three to six members. Secondly, one player of the first team is asked to volunteer and leave the room for a moment. When the player leaves the room, the rest participants look for an object present in the room and hide it within the room itself. The volunteer player is then called inside the room and is asked to look for the hidden object. The other members of the volunteer’s team help him/her locate the object by providing indirect clues and signals. When the finder approaches near the hidden object, the team members begin to clap faster and loudly, while when the finder moves away from the object, they tend to clap slowly and lightly. If the volunteer player manages to locate the hidden object within the given amount of time, his/her team is declared the winner of the game. The game teaches the players the skill to communicate with each other without using words, i.e., non-verbally. Also, the game helps a child in developing patience, concentration, attention to detail, and various other related personality-enhancement skills.
58. Caterpillar
To play a caterpillar game, the players are divided into groups of two to four players. Each team playing the caterpillar game is provided with a hula hoop. All the players are made to stand in parallel straight lines on the playground. Multiple hurdles or daily life objects are placed on the surface of the ground in a random manner. Initially, one of the team members stands in the middle of the hula hoop and the rest of the players stand behind him/her. When the host of the game announces the start of the game, the players standing outside the hoop move forward and take a position within the boundary of the hula hoop. The main objective of the game is to move forward and pick up as many objects present on the ground as possible. To move forward, the player standing inside the hula hoop at the last position is required to pick up the hoop and pass it on to the player standing at the first position in the line. The first player then places the hoop in front and hops inside the boundary of the hoop. The rest of the players are required to follow the movement of the first player. One prime rule to play the game is that only the first person of the game is allowed to pick up the game objects; however, the handling of the objects is required to be a collective effort of the team. At the end of the game, the team that has a maximum number of game objects is declared the winner of the game. The game helps children understand the importance of teamwork and cooperation. Playing the caterpillar game is one of the best teamwork, relationship building, personality development, and physical exercise activity.
59. Train Blocks
To play a train blocks game the players are required to stand in multiple parallel straight lines in an open space such as a playground or a park. When the host signals the start of the game, one of the players acts as the engine of the train and begins to move randomly between the rows and columns formed by the players. The rest of the players tend to join the first player and follow his/her movement. The game gets completed when all the players participating in the game form a straight line behind the first player and join him/her in the linear motion. One thing to make sure while playing the train blocks game is that the line should not break midway and the players must not collide with each other. The motion of the players should be smooth and uniform throughout the game. The game helps the players learn some of the basic personality enhancement skills such as coordination, collaboration, concentration, focus, and the ability to quickly respond to situations.
60. Golf Ball Tarpaulin
To play a golf ball trampoline game, the players are divided into teams of six or eight players. Each team is then handed over with a bedsheet or a tarpaulin sheet. The sheet contains a number of slits and cuts on its surface. The members of the team are supposed to hold the sheet from the corners or the edges. The host of the game drops a golf ball on one edge of the sheet. The main objective of the game is to move the ball from one edge of the sheet to the other edge without letting it fall through the slits or the holes. The team that manages to complete the challenge in the minimum number of tries or in the minimum amount of time is declared the winner of the game. The game tends to enhance a child’s creativity, problem-solving ability, attention to detail, teamwork, collaboration, coordination, and decision-making capability.
61. Pretzel and Unpretzel Game
To play the pretzel and unpretzel game, randomly divide the players into two groups. Each group is then required to choose one player that acts like a pretzel maker and two players that behave like unpretzelers. The unpretzelers tend to turn their backs towards the rest of the players, while the rest of the players stand along the boundary of a circle on the playground and hold hands with each other. The pretzel makers then direct the players to form a human pretzel by providing commands like twist around, duck under, step over, etc. to all the players. Once the players get twisted, the unpretzelers come forward and try to detangle the players by using verbal instructions. The group or the team that manages to unpretzel the players in minimum time tends to win the game. The game helps enhance the player’s creativity, problem-solving capability, ability to think logically and make appropriate decisions. One rule to follow while playing the pretzel and unpretzel game is that the players are not allowed to leave their hands at any moment of time. The team whose any of the two or more members leave hands during the game gets disqualified from the competition. The game is one of the best games that help the players learn teamwork, coordination, collaboration, and other related skills. It also helps them improve their interpersonal bonding and relations with their peers.
62. Creative Solutions
As the name itself suggests, a creative solution game basically aims at improving a child’s creativity and critical thinking ability. To play the game, the host of the game picks up some of the daily use objects present in the surroundings and assigns a particular value to each of them. The objects may include food cans, sticks, rope, string, chalk, rock, sand, etc. The host then formulates a scenario and presents the team of players with a situation that is needed to be solved in a given amount of time. For instance, the host tells the players to make use of the available resources in proper order to get out of a deserted island, to save the world from a dinosaur attack, save each other from drowning and fix a sinking boat, etc. The players playing the creative solution game are required to work together collaboratively to determine the solution of the problem. The game basically helps the players learn the importance of teamwork and time management. Also, the players learn how to appropriately and creatively make use of resources during a mishap or a problematic situation. The game serves to be one of the best therapeutic games that help a child learn how to manage anxiety, practice emergency drills, solve problems, and develop skills such as patience, focus, observation, and attention to detail.
63. Zip Zap Zop
A zip zap zop game is one of the best examples of games that can help in the overall personality development and relationship-building of an individual. To play the zip zap zop game, the players form a circle in an open area and wait for the host to announce the start of the game. When the host provides the go signal, the players begin to make eye contact and make a gesture to pass energy to each other. The player who tends to send the energy makes eye contact with one of the players, puts his/her hands together close to the chest, slowly moves the hands away from the chest, and say “Zip”, thereby making a gesture to send something towards the other player. The opposite player then receives the energy by putting his/her hands together, moving the hands towards his/her chest, and saying “Zop”. The main objective of the game is to continue the process and send the energy to all the players without communicating verbally with each other and without breaking the flow of the game. The team gets disqualified if it stays idle for more than one minute. The prime rule to play the game is that the players are not allowed to talk verbally while playing the game and can only pass on information to each other with the help of gestures, body language signals, and non-verbal modes. The game helps the players improve their verbal and non-verbal communication skills, develop patience, coordination, enhance their quick response-ability, and other related skills.
64. Spider Web
To play a spider web game, the players are required to stand or sit in a circle in an open playing area such as a playground or a park. The game is basically designed to communicate a message to all the players that despite all the differences they may have in certain aspects such as the place they belong, the culture that they follow, or the ideologies that they prefer, they still are connected to each other in some manner. To begin the game, one of the players is handed a large woollen ball or a ball of twine. The person holding the ball is required to share a funny story or an embarrassing moment from his/her life. After telling the story, the player is required to randomly toss the ball towards any other player while still holding a part of the string. The person that catches the twine ball or the woollen ball then begins to share a story related to him/her. Again after finishing the story, he/she holds the string and toss the ball over to the other player. The same procedure goes on and on till a web of the string gets formed that connects all the players playing the game. The game helps the players connect with each other better, build empathy, and improve their interpersonal bonding with their peers.
65. Classify
Classify or classification game is generally played among a group of five or more people. The game helps the players get to know more about each other and helps them comprehend the differences that they have in their personalities, likes, dislikes, beliefs, ideologies, etc. The game serves as one of the best team building games that can be played indoors. To play the game the players are required to share one interesting fact such as a like, a dislike, a belief, a habit, etc. with the group. The players are then asked to form subgroups on the basis of the facts that they have shared so that the people with similar facts share a common group. One thing to make sure while playing the classify game is that each group must have two or more players and no player should be left ungrouped. By playing the classify game, the player is able to acknowledge the differences between the people and understand how is it inappropriate to use the differences between opinions, practices, cultures, or personalities as a basis to stereotype or discriminate against any individual. The game significantly improves the bonding between the players.
66. Group Juggle
A group juggle is yet another game or an activity that helps children learn the importance of coordination and teamwork. To play the group juggle game, the players are required to stand in a circle facing each other in an open space such as a playing ground, a game court, or a park. The players are provided with two juggling balls each that they are required to juggle in a particular order. While juggling, every player switches places with the player standing adjacent to them. The process gets repeated after a particular instance of time. The main objective of the game is to maintain the juggling of the balls and keep switching the places with each other without letting the balls fall over to the ground. The game serves to be an excellent example of games that can help a child improve his/her motor skills, coordination, and concentration. The game also helps the players improve their teamwork spirit and enhance their interpersonal bonding.
67. Go Exchange the Places
To play a ‘go exchange the places’ game in real life, the players playing the game are divided into two groups, each group having two to six players. The members of one of the groups are asked to stand along with the corners of a room, while one of the players from the opposite team is asked to stand in the middle of the room. The players standing in the corners are required to exchange their places by moving either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally from one corner of the room to the other by making eye contact with each other and signalling the opposite player to switch places with them. Now, while the players of one team switch places with each other, the player of the opposite team standing in the middle of the room is required to take place of either of the players switching places by running and capturing the empty place. If he/she manages to steal the place of any of the opposite players, the opposite team gets disqualified. The teams then switch places and play the game again. At the end of the game, the team that manages to last longer than the other in the game field is declared the winner of the game. The game teaches players about taking responsibility, working together, and making decisions. Also, a child can easily improve his/her coordination, motor skills, verbal and non-verbal communication, and creativity by playing the ‘go exchange the places’ game.
68. Just Listen
A just listen game is a perfect game that can help a child improve his/her verbal and non-verbal communication as well as listening skills. To play the game, the players playing the game are divided into pairs. Each player playing the game is then handed over with a chit that has a topic or a subject mentioned on its surface. To begin the game, one of the players open up his/her chit, read the topic mentioned on it, and begins to talk about the topic for about two to three minutes. The other player then switch places him/her and summarizes the speech given by his/her partner. After giving a conclusion, the player opens up /her own chit and begins to speak on the topic assigned to him/her. After finishing up the speech, the player asks his/her partner to summarize the speech. The same process gets repeated for all the groups of players participating in the game. The judge of the game marks points for all the teams on the basis of the language used, the thoughts, and the understanding between the players. The team with the maximum number of points is declared the winner of the game. The game helps improve their interpersonal bonding and relationships with their peers. Also, one can easily learn how to accept, encourage, and comprehend different views and ideologies by playing the ‘just listen’ game.
69. Zoom: Recite the Story Game
Zoom is a simple fun game that can help a child learn the fundamentals of teamwork and collaboration to enhance his/her personality as well as to improve his/her interpersonal relationships with peers. To play the game, each player participating in the game is randomly handed over with an image. The images basically contain the pictorial representation of some of the instances of a story. The Players are required to stand up and come forward one by one and deliver the instance of the story depicted by their picture in an ordered manner. The players are not allowed to talk to each other during the game. The main objective of the game is to deliver the complete story in an appropriate order in a given amount of time. The game helps the children improve their verbal and non-verbal communication skills, teamwork ability, coordination, information retaining capacity, and concentration. The zoom game serves to be one of the best examples of educational games that can help a child learn complex theories and concepts in a fun and easy manner.
70. Coin Logo
To play a coin logo game, the players are divided into two to three groups. Each group playing the game has three to four participants. The host of the game deposits coins belonging to different countries in a bag and ask the leaders of each group to pick one coin from the bag. The leaders take the coin to their team members and use it as an inspiration to draw a logo for their own coin in a given amount of time. The logo is required to be unique and the objects or the pictures used to form the logo should have a explainable significance. At the end of the game, the team members share the logos drawn by them with each other and the host. The host of the game then evaluates the logos and assign reward points to the team according to the clarity, uniqueness, symbolism, and creativity of their logos. The team that gets rewarded with a maximum number of points is declared the winner of the game. The game helps a child enhance his/her creativity, imagination, coordination, concentration, teamwork ability, and various other personality development skills.
71. The Great Egg Drop Game
To play the great egg drop game, the players tend to mix up with each other and form two to three groups of two to four members. Each team is then provided with a set of some of the daily use objects such as clothes, paper towels, newspapers, cardboard, etc. The main objective of the game is to build a carrier that can handle a four to six feet long drop of an egg. The players are also allowed to use the objects available in their surroundings. At the end of the game, all the teams present the structures or carriers constructed by them to the host of the game. The host then performs the test to check which of the carriers is most efficient by dropping the eggs onto the structures from a constant height. The team with the most efficient structure is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the players to cherish and enhance their creativity, imagination, and innovation. The game also tends to improve the verbal and non-verbal communication skills and teamwork ability of an individual.
72. Circle of Silence
To play a circle of silence game, the players tend to form a circle while facing each other. One of the players stands in the middle of the circle and is known as the captor. The captor player is blindfolded. A tin can that is partially filled with marbles is required to be circulated between the players standing in the circle without making a noise. The blindfolded captor tries to locate the position of the tin can by listening to the noise made by the marbles and pointing in the direction of the noise. If the direction of the tin can that is guessed by the blindfolded captor is correct, the player holding the can at that particular instant switches places with the captor. If the direction or the location of the tin can that is guessed by the blindfolded captor is incorrect, the passing on of the can goes on. The game helps the players improve their ability to focus or concentrate on tasks. The game also helps improve a child’s ability to communicate non-verbally and his/her relationships with peers.
73. Life Highlights
To play a life highlights game, the players are required to sit in a comfortable position in an open space such as a park, a classroom, or a playing ground. All the players are then asked to think of the happy moments that they have lived to date. The next step is to select the three happiest moments out of all the moments that they are thinking. The host of the game then asks the players to open their eyes and one by one share one of their selected happy moments with all the participants. The life highlights game helps a child develop a positive attitude towards life, learn how to stay calm in every situation, and open up with each other. The game also helps the players to get to know each other better and improve their interpersonal bonding.
74. Dragon’s Den
A dragon’s den is a great example of the innovative games that children can play to enrich their creativity and cherish their innovative ideas. The teams playing the dragon’s den game generally contain three to four members. When the host of the game announces the start of the game, the players begin to draft a proposal for a business idea or a product that can help improve the existing condition of the world in a given amount of time. The proposal must contain the details of the product such as the structure, objective, price, development process, limitations, expected problems during production or implementation, etc. When the timer runs out, the players are required to submit their proposals to the dragon’s den and provide a presentation that highlights the key points of their idea. The of the game then rewards points to the teams on the basis of their ideas, relevance to the topic, presentation, creativity, communication, teamwork, and research. The team that gets rewarded with the maximum points is declared the winner of the game. The game helps the players improve their logical and critical thinking abilities. Also, one can easily enhance his/her ability to work as a team member, leadership qualities, coordination, collaboration, patience, relationship-building and maintaining capability, etc. in a fun and easy manner by playing the dragon’s den game.
75. Dream Car Design Game
A dream car design game helps a child learn how to respect and acknowledge each other’s opinions and ideas. It also teaches children how to work collaboratively with each other to achieve a common goal. To play a dream car design game, two to four players are grouped together and are provided with craft items such as a pen, paper sheets, markers, glitter pens, etc. The teams are then asked to draw a rough sketch of the type of car they would want to have or build in their future. The team members are required to work together and make a car design that has features of all the ideas that the players hold in their imagination. The game tends to encourage the creative thinking and imagination of a child. Also, one can easily improve his/her critical and logical thinking ability as well as interpersonal relationships by playing the dream car design game.
76. Pictionary
Pictionary is yet another example of a team-building game that children can play to improve their intelligence quotient. A Pictionary is basically a picture puzzle game. To play Pictionary, two or more players or the participants are grouped together. Generally, Pictionary is played as a competitive team game that is played among two teams. Each team playing Pictionary is provided with a writing board and a marker. The host of the game holds playing cards that contain names of some of the daily use objects such as carton boxes, cookies, pens, pencils, bedsheets, etc. One player from each team comes forward, picks up a card, and begins to describe the object to his/her partner by drawing it on the board. The main objective of the game is to guess the name of the object within a given amount of time. With each correct guess before the timer goes off, the teams get rewarded with a game point. At the end of the game, the team that has the maximum number of game points is declared the winner of the game. Playing Pictionary games, helps children build a strong bond with their peers and improve their interpersonal relationships as well as understanding.
77. Snake Race
To play a snake race game, the players form a straight line in an open space such as a playground or a park. The participants must stand close enough to each other that each player is able to hold a basketball between his/her chest and the back of the person standing in front of them. When the host signals the start of the game, the players begin to move forward and cover the distance from the start point to the endpoint. One prime rule of the game is that the players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands while playing the game. Also, if any of the players drop the ball to the ground, the entire team gets disqualified and they have to start the game all over again. The game helps the players improve their coordination, teamwork spirit, and communication skills.
78. Pin the Tail on Rainbow Dash Game
To play a pin the tail on the rainbow dash game, a giant cut out of a pony is pasted on a rigid surface. A separate cut out of the pony’s tail is printed and a thumb pin or thumb tag is attached to the top of the tail. One of the players playing the game is blindfolded, handed with the pony’s tail, and spun around. The team members of the blindfolded player tend to guide him/her towards the pony’s cut out and help him/her attach the tail to the appropriate location. The game is considered to be successfully completed if the blindfolded player is able to attach the tail to the exact location on the pony’s cutout. The game helps the players build trust in each other and improve their understanding. Pin the tail on rainbow dash serves to be one of the best games that children can play at a party.
79. Dumb Charades
Dumb charades is yet another fun team-building game that children can play to improve their understanding, non-verbal communication skills, coordination, teamwork, and various other related skills. The dumb charades game is quite similar to that of a Pictionary game. The only difference between the two games is that in place of the pictorial representation of the clues, dumb charades make use of gestures and body language. To play the game the participants are broadly and randomly grouped into two teams. A player from one of the teams is provided with the name of a movie by his/her opposite team players. The player then begins to describe the name of the movie to his/her peers by using gestures and body language. If his/her team members are able to guess the name of the movie in a given amount of time, his/her team gets rewarded with a game point. The same process then gets repeated for the opposite team. At the end of the game, the team with the maximum number of game points is declared the winner of the game. One prime rule of the game is that the use of verbal clues or sign language to describe the name of the movie is not allowed.
80. Crossing the Line
To play crossing the line, the host of the game marks a straight line on the floor with the help of chalk, marker, or marking tape. The players playing the crossing the line game are required to stand along the line in such a way that all of them face the line. The main objective of the game is to cross the line together at the same time without communicating with each other. The game helps the players improve their communication skills and interpersonal bonding. Also, one can easily gain skills such as patience, focus, concentration, strategy, etc. by playing crossing the line fun game.