A puzzle is a game, a question, or a toy that helps a person improve his/her mental calibre and various other personality enhancement skills. A puzzle game is generally available in a variety of forms such as picture puzzles, 2D puzzles, 3D puzzles, word puzzles, riddles, etc.
Examples of Puzzle Books for Adults
Some of the examples of puzzle games for adults that are available in textbook format in the market are listed below:
1. Sudoku
Sudoku is one of the most common puzzle games that people of all age groups can play for educational as well as for enjoyment purposes. A sudoku game typically consists of a (n x n) matrix or grid that is further divided into multiple equidimensional squares. The dimensions of a simple sudoku puzzle game grid are usually equal to 9 x 9. The smaller squares contained by the sudoku grid are further clubbed together to form the sub-grids or the children matrices. A usual 9 x 9 sized sudoku typically consists of 9 sub-grids. The main idea behind playing sudoku is to fill the grid in such a way that each row, each column, and each subgrid is filled with numbers 1 to 9 without any repetition. Sudoku helps a person improve his ability to memorise things and retain information. The principle of a sudoku puzzle game is primarily based on logic theory and number theory subcategories of mathematics. Also, it helps in developing a firm grip on pattern recognition, quick information processing, and decision-making skills.
2. Kakuro
Kakuro is a prominent example of the pen and paper puzzle games that are best suited to adults. Kakuro is typically based on the logic theory subset of mathematics. Kakuro is also known as the cross sums puzzle game. It typically contains a confined playing space that consists of a grid or a matrix made up of multiple equidimensional square boxes. The blocks present inside the parent matrix are either empty or filled. Some of the blocks of the grid are divided into two parts with the help of a diagonal slash. A clue is generally attached to the lower part of such grids. The main aim of the game is to insert 1 to 9 digits in the white cells of the parent grid in such a way that the numbers do not get repeated and the sum of the numbers matches the clue. Kakuro puzzle helps a person gain a firm grip on mathematical concepts such as number theory and logic theory. The game helps in the development and enhancement of skills such as pattern recognition ability, concentration, and focus. Kakuro puzzles are easily available in text format in magazines and other puzzle books.
3. Suguru
Suguru puzzle books are a classic example of puzzle gamebooks that are suitable for people of all age groups. The word ‘Suguru’ means number groups. It is a Japanese puzzle game that is designed on the basis of two subdomains of mathematics, namely, number systems and logic theory. Suguru puzzle typically consists of a parent grid or matrix that is further divided into multiple congruent squares. These congruent squares are also known as cells. The cells are grouped together randomly to form blocks. The minimum number of cells required to form a block contained by the parent matrix is one, while the maximum number of cells ranges up to five. The main objective of the game is to fill the Suguru parent grid with numbers in such a way that each sub-block of the matrix having n number of cells is filled with numbers from 1 to n. For instance, a block that has one cell is required to be filled with the number 1. Likewise, a block having five cells must be filled with numbers from 1 to 5 and so on. One more thing to remember is that the plotting of the numbers should be done in such a way that no two same digits present in the grid are located adjacent to each other.
4. Numbrix
Numbrix is yet another example of pen paper-based puzzle game that can help a person improve his/her mental calibre and develop various other skills. Numbrix puzzle game basically makes use of logic theory. It typically consists of a (n x n) grid that is randomly filled with numbers from 1 to 81. The main aim of the game is to fill the blank boxes present in the game with appropriate numbers by moving only along the horizontal or vertical direction. Numbrix puzzle is quite similar to a crossword puzzle. The numbrix puzzle was first developed by an American communist, Marilyn vos Savant. It was officially published for the first time in 2008. One can easily play such games digitally by downloading relevant applications. Also, some of the pen-paper versions of the game are available in certain newspapers, books, or magazines.
5. 3D Projection Puzzle
A 3D projection puzzle game typically consists of a two-dimensional picture of a three-dimensional object. Along with the image of the object, a set of images is provided that tend to demonstrate the top, side, or front view of the object. One of the images present in the set of images representing the different views of the object is correct. The main aim of the game is to locate the accurate view or the projection of the object. The game requires a good knowledge of three dimensional theory, engineering drawing, and other engineering concepts. The complexity of the game varies as per the level of the game. Such games are generally available in textbook format in the market. One can improve his/her critical thinking ability, problem-solving ability, concentration, focus, and various other skills by playing 3D projection puzzle games.
6. Futoshiki
Futoshiki is yet another example of the pen and paper puzzle games that fall under the category of mathematical puzzles. A Futoshiki puzzle game generally consists of a grid or a matrix that is further divided into multiple individual equidimensional square blocks. The blocks contained by the parent matrix are completely empty and contain inequality signs embedded in between them. The prime aim of the Futoshiki puzzle is to place 1 to n numbers into each row and each column of the (n x n) puzzle matrix in a strategic and logical manner so that the uniqueness of each row and column is maintained and the inequality signs are accurately justified. Futoshiki puzzles are generally available in magazines, newspapers, or books. Also, some of the digital versions of the game are also available over the internet. Such games tend to improve the player’s mental calibre and pattern recognition ability.
7. Binary Puzzle Book
A binary puzzle is one of the best examples of the puzzle games that are ideal for adults. The word binary denotes two numbers, i.e., 0 or 1. The binary numbers 0 and 1 can also be represented with the help of state logic, where one denotes the high state and zero corresponds to the low state of a device or a system. A binary puzzle typically consists of a (n x n) grid. The prime objective of the game is to maintain the balance of the grid by filling the grid squares or cells with two numbers, i.e., either a 0 or a 1 in such a way that there exist same number of ones and zeroes in each row and column of the grid. Also, the quiqueness of the grid is required to be preserved throughout the game. This can be done by avoiding filling an exact combination of zeroes or ones in two or more columns or rows. By playing binary puzzle game, a person is able to improve a number of skills such as pattern recognition ability, concentration, critical thinking capability, and ability to make spontaneous decisions.
8. Nonogram
A nonogram game is also known as a paint by numbers puzzle game, pic-a-pix, pixel puzzle, Japanese crosswords, etc. It typically consists of a grid or a matrix that contains multiple small square blocks that are equal in dimension and size. The blocks are filled with random numbers. The main aim of the puzzle is to colour the grid blocks with black colour and mark the empty blocks with a cross in a logical manner. The number of blocks that are coloured along the row or the column must justify the number that is filled in the matrix blocks. The nonogram game particularly helps a person gain knowledge of the concepts of logic theory subset of mathematics. It also helps in enhancing the mental calibre of the player by improving his/her ability to focus and concentrate over things.
9. Crossword
Crossword puzzle books are one of the best pen-paper puzzle games that an adult can play for entertainment as well as for the purpose of personality development. A crossword puzzle is helpful in boosting confidence and releasing stress. A crossword puzzle typically consists of a square grid that is further divided into multiple equidimensional blocks. The dimensions of a crossword puzzle tend to vary as per the complexity level of the game. Some of the blocks of the parent grid of a crossword puzzle are empty, while some of them are filled with a solid colour. The empty blocks of the puzzle game are connected to each other in a random zig-zag format. The first block of the rows and the columns formed by connecting the empty blocks of the puzzle are attached with numbers. Each number is associated with a statement that tends to provide the user with a hint or a clue to identify the word that is required to be filled inside the row or the column formed by the empty blocks. The game significantly improves the vocabulary and general knowledge of a person.
10. Word Search
A word search puzzle game is yet another example of the pen-paper puzzle games best suited for adults. It consists of a matrix or a grid with (n x n) dimensions that are randomly filled with alphabets and letters of a particular language. The letters and alphabets are placed into the parent grid in a strategic and logical manner. A combination of certain letters horizontally, vertically, or diagonally results in the formation of a meaningful word. The user is required to identify as many meaningful words as possible according to the problem statement or the clues and hints provided along with the puzzle. This game tends to enrich the vocabulary and the general knowledge possessed by the player. It also helps improve the player’s memorising ability and information retaining capacity. A word search puzzle game is prominently helpful in relieving stress.
11. Murder Mystery Puzzle Books
A murder mystery puzzle book is a classic example of puzzle games designed for adults. A murder mystery puzzle generally consists of a detailed description of an instance or an event. The event generally involves a murder. The prime objective of the game is to identify the person who might have committed the crime. The person who is able to identify the murderer accurately is declared the winner of the game. The complexity level of such games may vary from moderate to high. Such games tend to enhance the critical thinking ability, problem-solving capability, observation skills, and concentration of the player. Such games are generally available in text format in puzzle books or newspapers; however, various online platforms also make murder mystery puzzle games in audio or video format.
12. Cryptogram Puzzle
A cryptogram puzzle game is typically based on cryptography, i.e., the art or the technique of writing or solving codes. It is a form of puzzle game that consists of encrypted text that is required to be decrypted in a given time. The decryption of the text is based on the encryption key that may or may not be provided with the game. The player who is able to decode the text in the minimum possible time tends to win the game. The player who plays a cryptogram puzzle game tends to develop a number of personality development skills such as problem-solving ability, observation, concentration, focus, critical thinking, confidence, etc. The solution of some of the cryptogram puzzle games tends to provide the players with a piece of information, thereby improving their mental calibre and general knowledge.
13. Riddles
A riddle is a puzzle game that consists of a question, phrase, or statement that has a unique solution or answer. The statement of the riddle is generally framed in a twisted manner and is difficult to be interpreted in one go. The solution to a riddle puzzle is generally available within the puzzle statement. The main aim of the game is to properly interpret the meaning of the puzzle, locate the hint, and provide the solution. Riddle puzzle game is helpful in enhancing the critical thinking ability of a person. It also helps in developing problem-solving and decision-making skills.
14. Brain Teasers
Brain teasers are yet another example of puzzle games that are suitable for people of all ages. These puzzle games typically include general mathematical manipulations, picture combinations, pattern matching, optical illusions, etc. Such puzzles are easily available in an online or offline digital game format as well as in textbook format. Brain teasers are considered to be one of the best puzzle games that help a person enhance his/her mental calibre by improving his/her information retaining capacity, critical thinking ability, pattern-matching capability, and problem-solving skills.