Artificial Intelligence is the amalgamation of science and engineering to make smart machines that are capable of imitating human behavioral characteristics such as speech recognition, natural language processing, vision, image processing, pattern recognition, continuous learning, object recognition, etc. The term Artificial Intelligence was first coined by John McCarthy in the year 1956 at the Dartmouth Conference.
Types of Artificial Intelligence
The anatomy of Artificial Intelligence can be described with the help of 3 stages that are commonly referred to its types. These are:
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence
This stage, or type of AI, is also known as weak artificial intelligence. The devices built on this technology tend to work for a specific purpose and have little or no scope for expansion of their features. Some of the examples of appliances that implement Artificial Narrow Intelligence and offer a limited set of operations are Smart Speakers (Alexa), Smartphones, etc.
2. Artificial General Intelligence
The devices built on the concept of Artificial General Intelligence are intended to imitate the thinking and decision-making abilities of a human mind. They focus mainly on highly intellectual tasks rather than emphasizing on the fundamental chores. Artificial General Intelligence is also known as strong artificial intelligence. For example, Hanson Robotics, a Hong-kong based engineering and robotics company, has developed a social robot called Sophia that has the ability to learn from its surroundings and make appropriate decisions.
3. Artificial Super Intelligence
This refers to a hypothetical phase that we have not achieved yet. As demonstrated by most science-fiction movies, the time when artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence will be the era of Artificial Super Intelligence.
Examples of Artificial Intelligence
Whenever artificial intelligence is mentioned, a lot of us tend to imagine a world where every task is performed by robots. A major misconception is that AI will be developed soon in the future. However, the time of Artificial Intelligence has already arrived, and it is no longer the technology of the future. Artificial Intelligence has become so common in the daily life that we use a lot of AI-based applications without even realizing it. Following are some of the prominent examples of AI technology taken from our real life:
1. Digital Assistants
Virtual assistants like Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, etc. have made our lives easy. From reminding us to pick up a parcel to telling us a joke, they have served to be a great companion. This software has the ability to recognise the speech pattern and has the provision for natural language processing. Along with this, it has the potential to learn about the user by monitoring the working hours, screentime, and other related factors. The software is able to practice learning and hearing just like a human because of the application of artificial intelligence.
2. Social Media
A lot of social media applications make use of artificial intelligence for multiple uses. For example, Snapchat uses face detection to detect facial features and put on the filters accordingly, Twitter uses natural language processing to identify hate speech, Facebook/Instagram makes use of machine learning and deep learning to find the user’s field of interest, etc.
3. Shopping Sites
The shopping apps keep monitoring the time, weather, approaching festivals, and the pattern of products that the user tend to buy most frequently. Based on this, they release offer notifications and lure customers. All these intelligent tasks are performed by artificial intelligence.
4. Transportation
Vehicle hire applications like Uber, Ola, etc. are extremely helpful as they are readily available to offer you a ride almost every time you need. However, we undermine the capacity of such AI-based apps. We often get a notification to book a ride, a few minutes before leaving for home from the office. How do these apps get to know the exact time we need a cab? The reason is that these apps use deep learning technology and have already noted the pattern we follow in our daily life.
5. Food Ordering Sites
Online food ordering applications and sites often send us catchy notifications around breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. This is possible with the help of artificial intelligence software, which keeps monitoring the time when you may crave for food. Not just that, but AI also records the variety of food you like to eat and provide you with similar alternative cuisines.
6. Vehicle Recognition
Deep learning and image recognition, subsets of Artificial Intelligence, are utilized in the vehicle recognition system. Traffic Police makes use of this technology to scan the vehicle’s number plate and analyse whether the vehicle has been detained earlier or not. Automobile industry makes use of vehicle recognition to observe the popularity of different models of their manufactured vehicles.
7. Vacuum Bot
A vacuum bot falls under robotics category of Artificial Intelligence. It makes use of multiple sensors to detect the size of the room, the obstacles present around, and to avoid falling off the edges. The laser light sources mounted on the device allow it to access the virtual vision. The product is equipped with a processor that enables its operation in different modes such as vacuuming only, moping only, and vacuuming-moping both. If it senses the need for recharging, it gets plugged in by itself. The smart technology has really made cleaning easy and fun.
8. Self-driving Cars
Artificial Intelligence-powered self-driving cars make use of deep learning, object identification, image detection, motion detection, etc. to perform tasks such as transportation and package delivery. Driverless cars have a promising future as they are capable of eliminating the ‘human error’ factor from traditional driving. In case of an accident, the pre-programmed machine has the potential to think like an intellectual and make the appropriate decision at a faster rate. Therefore, ensuring a downfall in the number of accidents.
9. Email System
The email system is a very comfortable mode of communication. The unwanted e-mails are automatically filtered out and labelled as spam or un-important. While typing a new mail, the application suggests us the possible replies. Some email systems also have the feature by virtue of which the system reminds the user to send the message at a particular time. All these brilliant features are possible only by the help of artificial intelligence.
10. Job Seeking Apps
A number of job-seeking sites make use of deep learning to know more and more about the user and his requirements. The software used by these apps allows the consumers to get the best opportunities by suggesting them the jobs of their interest, the post that they may like, the employee that fits their criteria, etc.
11. Scan to Search apps
There are a lot of applications available online that are able to scan any object or document and generate the output related to it. If you don’t want to read some text, you can scan it and the application will read it aloud for you with the help of image recognition and natural language processing. These type of AI-enabled devices are very advantageous for the visually impaired. The visually challenged person can scan his/her surrounding and get an audible description of the scene.
12. Chatbots
A chatbot or chat-robot is a software that is designed to mimic human conversation. A chatbot is preoccupied with the possible questions that users may ask and knows the answer to each of them accordingly. A lot of us have talked to chatbots without even knowing. This is because of the efficiency with which Artificial Intelligence allows the machine to learn and mimic human behaviour.
13. Predictive Searches
When you’re midway searching for a particular topic in any internet application’s search box, you get suggestions to complete the sentence. These suggestions often serve to be helpful in saving your time by exactly suggesting you what’s on your mind. The application is able to guess the missing half of the sentence because AI helps it to observe factors like geographical location, search history, trending keywords, etc.
14. Music/media Recommendation
Apps like Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, etc. make use of AI to get familiar with the user’s likes and interests. The pattern of songs that a user is habitual of playing is generally noted and saved in order to be utilized later. The next time user demands a mixed playlist or media recommendation, he is fed with a list of the media as per his mood, time, and the weather at that particular instant.
15. Online Banking
When we pay any bill, we instantly get a message from the bank servers. Its purpose is to keep the transactions safe and user friendly. The AI working for the banks is responsible to keep a track of the pattern in which the user makes his payments. If an unexpected amount of money is withdrawn from the user’s account, it immediately sends an alert in order to prevent fraud.
16. Flights
Auto-pilot is a prominent example of Artificial Intelligence in real life. A study tells that an aircraft is operated manually for approximately 7 minutes, while the rest flight relies on automatic pilot.
17. Plagiarism Check Sites
A lot of schools and writers make use of plagiarism checking sites and applications to detect if the writer has consciously/sub-consciously copied the data from some other source. This is not a surprise that a plagiarism identifying software takes the help of AI and related technologies to perform its task. The site examines the document and compares it with the data available on the cloud. The sentences that clash with the pre-existing data are highlighted and a plagiarism percentage is generated accordingly.
18. Audio to Text Converters
Ever wondered how a non-living device reciprocates the voice command and interprets it just as a normal human being does? How does your voice get converted to textual form? Why don’t we face any language barrier while communicating with our digital assistants? One common answer to all these questions is that these applications are supported by speech recognition and natural language processing. These two technologies are a significant part of Artificial Intelligence Technology. Hence, provide us with a variety of smart features.
19. Smart Speakers
Smart AI-powered speakers like Amazon Echo have become a companion of fun and entertainment. They offer services like digital interaction, home automation, etc. with the help of deep learning, audio recognition, and natural language processing.
20. Security
In this modern era, a lot of security features are AI dependent. From your smartphone’s face unlock feature to the security cameras installed in your building, all such applications make use of a subclass of Artificial Intelligence, i.e., face detection. The purpose is to recognise/memorize the facial features of a person and save the data for future use.
21. Gesture Acknowledging Devices
Many devices and applications understand the gestures we make. When we doodle on the keypad using our finger, it completely understands and converts our gestures to text. These devices are able to recognize our commands because they are well equipped with pattern recognition, a vast domain of AI.
22. Video Games
In video games, we often compete with a virtual competitor. This virtual player is an embodiment of a real gamer and is designed to duplicate the gaming behaviour throughout time with the help of machine learning and programming, providing the user with a delightful gaming experience.
23. Online Ads
Online advertisements are making the best use out of artificial intelligence technology. With the help of AI, the online ad agencies get to know the likes, needs, and interests of the user. The ads are then presented by keeping all these factors in mind. A lot of applications keep listening to the user’s daily life conversations and tend to extract the keywords that can suggest the type of product he/she needs or might like.
24. Navigator
The shortest path algorithm used by navigators makes use of artificial intelligence to locate the best and the easiest pathway to reach the destination. It accesses the previously-stored maps and data to predict the current scenario. However, it doesn’t have the capability to remember the data by itself, nor does it support real-time learning.
25. Autocorrect
Autocorrect doesn’t only correct the misspelled letter but also suggests the user with the upcoming word in a sentence. Have you ever wondered how does autocorrect understands what you want to type? The answer is crystal clear, it is done with the help of pattern recognition (AI) that allows it to save your most typed letters and the most frequent texts you send. This develops a pattern in the artificial memory of the device, which is utilized later for suggestions and predictions.
26. Medical Applications
AI has a remarkable application in the medical field. A number of devices are being used in the identification and repair of damaged tissues. For instance, Google AI Eye Doctor is working with an Indian eye care chain to find a cure against diabetic retinopathy, a condition that causes blindness. Also, IBM Watson Health uses computer algorithms to keep a regular check on patients’ health. With AI and advance cognitive capabilities of data processing, health care has been improved in an incredible way.