Examples of a Line in Real Life

A line can be simply defined as the shortest distance between two points plotted randomly on a 2D surface. In geometry, a line can be defined as a one-dimensional figure that extends in both directions to infinity and does not have any width or depth. This implies that a line does not have any endpoint, hence the length of the line cannot be measured easily. Generally, a line is confused with a line segment. The difference between a line and a line segment is that a line does not have endpoints, while a line segment has two endpoints. On the other hand, the similarity between the line and the line segment is that both the types of geometric figures do not have width and depth parameters. This means that the length of a line is indeterminable, while the length of a line segment is determinable and confined. A line can be easily represented with the help of a straight line having arrowheads on both sides. The arrowheads on both sides of the figure of a line indicate the ability of a line to extend to infinity on both sides. The name of a line is usually either represented by a single lower case alphabet or two upper case alphabets. Here, the upper case alphabets tend to denote the points present on the surface of the line. From a different point of view, a line can be observed to be a connection between multiple collinear points that are plotted on a one-dimensional plane.

Examples of Line 

Some of the most common examples of lines in real life are listed below:

1. Railway Tracks 

Railway tracks tend to form a prominent example of lines in real life. This is because the railway tracks tend to stretch upto infinity on both sides and the length of the tracks is almost undeterminable.


2. Electricity Wires

The wires that are used by the energy service providers to transmit the electrical energy from the substation to the consumer destination tend to form yet another example of lines in real life. Such cables and wires tend to extend to an immeasurable value.


3. Markings on Roads

The markings made on the roads usually with the help of white ir yellow coloured painting colour tend to denote the different lanes of the road, the distinction between the foothpath and the driving path, and other road signals. Such markings form another example of line in real life as they can be observed as a set of infinite interconnected collinear points plotted on the surface of the road.

4. Zebra Crossing Stripes Slope of Mountains

The slope of mountains is yet another examples of line in real life. This is because the length of the slope of a mountain cannot be measured directly and can extend to infinity on both sides.


5. Ruler Horizon


Horizon is the imaginary line that tends to connect the surface of the earth and the sky. The horizon line stretches limitlessly in the surroundings and cannot be measured directly. The horizon is also known as the line that seperates the celestial surface from the ground or the earth’s surface.


6. Window Panes Length of a Water Body

The length of the boundary of a river or the path taken by a river to flow is another example of lines in real life. This because generally a river has two sides stretching upto infinity and the length of a river cannot be measured directly and easily with the help of generic measuring equipment and devices.

7. Pencil or Pen Fences

If the designed fences are dismantled and each part of the Fences is layed ahead of the another, a representation of a line can be created easily. The length of such a line is difficult to calculate. Also, the line formed by arranging the individual fences parts can extend towards infinity in both sides.

8. Curtain Rods Axis

Axis can be defined as an imaginary fixed reference line that can be used to locate the position of an object in space. Typically, there are three axis lines called x, y, and z that tend to extend from infinity to negative of infinity. This implies that the axis lines can stretch upto infinity on both sides and the length of the axis lines is immeasurable.

9. Incense Stick Tunnel 

A tunnel is a perfect example of line that can extend to infinity on both sides and is difficult to be measured.

10. Traffic Light Pole Roads

The ability of roads to stretch to infinity on both sides qualifies them to be listed under the category of the real life examples of line geometric figure.

11. Racing Track Lines Roller Coaster Tracks


The tracks of a roller coaster are a prominent example of lines in real life. This is because the length of any randomly picked part of a roller coaster track is capable of extending in both sides to infinity. Also, the distance of the roller coaster tracks is difficult to estimate directly.


12. Railings Irrigation Channel in Fields


To properly water the crops in an agricultural field, a narrow lane to carry water between the fields is typically created. This narrow lane of land eases the process to carry and circulate water throughout the field. The lanes tend to extend from negative infinity to positive infinity and form a classic example of application of the concept of lines in real life. Also, the rows along which the seeds are sowed or the crops are planted tend to form an example of lines in everyday life.


13. Straws Maps

A map is a graphical and pictorial representation of a physical locality. A map typically comprises of multiple pathways and location tags. The length of the pathways drawn on maps can extend to infinity on both sides and is typically immeasurable directly. This is the reason why the pathways drawn on maps is another example of lines in real life.

14. Bridge Strings Conveyer Belt

The conveyer belt used in most factories and companies is spread throughout the premises. The main objective of such conveyer belts is to transport objects from one place to the other. If you observe any random portion of a conveyer belt installed in an organisation, it extends to both sides. This implies that the structure of a conveyer belt is quite comparable to a line.

15. Ladder Rungs and Frame

16. Hands of an Analogue Clock

17. Thermometer

18. Popsicle Stick 

19. Skiing Items

20. Sword

21. Cricket Stumps

22. Base Ball Bat Playing Ground Boundary 

The boundary of a play ground such as a golf course, baseball field, soccer, etc., if assumed to be stretched open linearly, tends to form yet another example of lines in real life. This is because in such a case, the boundary of the ground stretches to infinity on both sides and is nearly immeasurable.


23. Cricket Bat Blood Veins

Blood veins are arranged in the body of a living being randomly. If the veins of a living being are observed closely, they tend to stretch to infinity and can be flexibly listed under the category of line geometric one dimension figure.

24. Thread

A thread stretched and arranged straight in an open space is a classic example of lines in real life. This is because the length of a infinitely stretched thread is a next to impossible task.


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